DUI Charges & Driving Offences:
If you are convicted of a DUI or driving related offence, you can lose your license, face significant fines, and sometimes even go to jail.
Charged with operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol? Dangerous driving? Or some other DUI or driving related offence?
With DUI charges, you may not immediately know what your defence is. This is normal if you are not a trained lawyer: defending DUI charges is highly technical and demands careful scrutiny of the work the police did at each stage of the investigation.
Fortunately, the lawyers at Edelson Foord Law have defended over a thousand DUI and driving related charges. We are incredibly knowledgeable about the legal, technical, and constitutional defences that may be available to you and will explore every avenue in attempting to obtain a withdrawal of your DUI charge, a reduction of your criminal charge to a Highway Traffic Act offence, or a not guilty finding should your DUI charge have to proceed to trial.
Do not plead guilty to an impaired charge without meeting with a lawyer from our office first to review your case in full. Call us now.